Best 2% and 3% Cash Back Credit Cards
When choosing a cash back or rewards card, it is important to choose a card that offers maximum regular rewards rate that applies to all purchases, or at least to the majority of your spending categories.
Flat Rate 2% Cash Back Cards
Here’s a short list of flat rate 2% cash back cards available today:
no annual fee
1% cash back with no limitations
plus 1% more when you pay off balance in full
Citi Double cash – it offers up to 2% on all purchases if you repay your balance in full each month. You get 1% cash back when you spend, and 1% after you pay your balance in full. Good incentive not to overspend. Our kudos go to Citi.
Fidelity AmEx card – the card is a co-branded card by American Express and Fidelity. You need to have an active Fidelity account to enjoy the cards 2% flat rate cash back on everything. The good thing is that the account is free to open.
Cards with 2-3% Cah Back on Selected Categories
Cards with 2% to 3% on selected categories:
no annual fee with Costco membership ($55 minimum)
4% on gas, 3% on dining and travel, 2% on Costco purchases, 1% on all purchases
0% APR on purchases for 7 months
Costco Anywhere offers 4% on gas, 3% on dining out, and travel, 2% at Costco,.
American Express Blue Cash – 3% on supermarkets in the US, gas, and department stores.
Discover it – 2% on gas and restaurants with a $1,000 quarterly limit on combined purchases.
Amazon rewards card – 3% on Amazon, 2% on gas, restaurants, and drugstore purchases.
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